Megan Young shares passion for gaming and Pokémon

Many people know Megan Young as an actress and model. In 2013, she also made history as the first Filipina to win the Miss World title. Some, however, might not be aware she also has a passion for gaming. Her love affair with video games started when she was very young. No pun intended.
“Our parents had 9 to 5 jobs (my mom worked three jobs at one point). So I guess they needed to find a way to stop us from causing havoc around the house! Kidding aside, I remember clearly that our dad bought us an SNES. I couldn’t stop playing games like Q*bert and Galaga. I was really young, and I probably didn’t understand the mechanics of the game. But I was so drawn to the style of the games,” Young told Digital Life Asia.
PC gaming
“We had our first PC at home when I was eight years old. My dad thought it would be something I would like since I wasn’t the type of kid that liked sports or going out to play. From there, he showed me how I can make my own website through an online generator that would put everything together. As I was learning more about it on my own, I knew I wanted to push beyond just clicking away at options and started reading about HTML, CSS, and Java so that I could make my website better than the other ones out there! I guess I really was competitive early on haha!”
From there, the PC also ignited Young’s passion for gaming.
“My PC gaming started with my parents giving us educational games. Every year, we would get new ones based on our grade level. Of course my siblings would use the old ones I had when they reached that grade! At a young age, these games kept me on my toes and I had fun learning. Little did I know that I’d be doing the same for the games I play today,” she said.
Gotta catch ’em all
It was Pokémon, however, that made her truly fall in love with gaming.
“My favorite game of all time would have to be the Pokémon series. I started playing in grade school. With each release they had, I made sure that I would have the new version and complete it. My love for gaming grew because of the Pokémon games. My brother and I would always get the different versions and trade with each other. There was a time that we only had one device–because I couldn’t afford to buy one for the each of us. We had to take turns using our 3DS at that time, but it was pretty fun and challenging trying to see who finishes the game first,” she shared.
Staying connected

According to Young, gaming has become part of her everyday life.
“I’ve gained friends, learned how to think more strategically (yes, in gaming and in real life hehe) and it’s a hobby that has turned into a job for me!
“I also turn to gaming to unwind after a hard day’s work. At the end of the day, one of the most refreshing things you can do is to escape reality by immersing yourself in exploring new worlds and locations. With the current pandemic, I also find gaming a stress reliever that helps me ease the negativity it brings. Online multiplayer games, for example, allow me to interact with my friends whom I miss since we can’t hang out in person at the moment,” Young said.
She said gaming has helped her cope with the enhanced community quarantine.
“I try to be productive every day with work, keeping fit, and catching up with family. Sometimes while watching or listening to news outlets, I get a bit stressed and overloaded with information. Gaming has been there to help ease that tension away. I’ve been able to engage with more people on games that we all love.”
Games Megan plays
These days, Young is also trying out different games.
“As of the moment, I’m enjoying Teamfight Tactics. I’ve been enjoying the gameplay because it’s fun and challenging at the same time. I’m trying to get into horror games so I’ve been playing Resident Evil. Usually I go for games that have cute graphics or that are more relaxing in terms of gameplay but I wanted to step out of my comfort zone and try something new,” she said.
What are some of Young’s fondest gaming-related memories?
“One of my most memorable gaming experiences was when Mikael (Editor’s note: actor Mikael Diaz, whom she married this year) and I were invited to play in Conquerors Manila 2018 for the League of Legends celebrity showmatch. It was a crazy fun feeling playing against another team in an arena full of players who love the game,” she said.
Long live the Legion

“I also won’t forget Lenovo Legion inviting me to ESGS (Electronic Sports and Gaming Summit) 2019. I was able to meet professional gamers who showcased their skills in the various mini-tournaments,” Young said.
Lenovo Philippines named Young their new Lenovo Legion brand ambassador last year.
“Even by just watching them play, I learned a lot, such as how to properly set up my hotkeys, identify the optimum graphics and audio settings, and more. I love the customization freedom that I only get from PC gaming and applying them gives me an experience tailor-made just for me.
“I still don’t consider myself good (hahaha) but now I know how to enjoy the games. I’m thankful to Legion for giving me the opportunity to be part of their events where I can bring out the gamer in me,” she said.
Making an impact

Young also shares her passion for gaming on her Facebook page. Like me, you can become a supporter of the page to get access to exclusive content.
Young said she is grateful that she can share her passion for gaming and technology as a Lenovo Legion brand ambassador.
“The best thing about being a Lenovo brand ambassador is that I get to share my love for tech. Growing up, I always felt like I had to hide that side of me because I felt that people would make fun of me or that I wouldn’t be able to connect with other people.
“In addition, working with Lenovo gives me the chance to promote certain projects I am passionate about. Lenovo’s vision of creating ‘Smarter Technology for All’ is all about driving meaningful impact through technology. I do see technology as having the power to solve problems and create opportunities for the benefit of everyone. Hopefully by being a brand ambassador for Lenovo, I can inspire more people, especially women, to embrace their love for gaming and tech and not be afraid to share their love for it,” she said.
Don’t worry, Megan Young. We love you just the way you are!
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