
AI adoption to accelerate in new normal, says IBM

Rob Thomas, Senior Vice President, Cloud and Data Platform, of IBM, says companies are becoming more comfortable with AI adoption.
Rob Thomas, Senior Vice President, Cloud and Data Platform, of IBM, says companies are becoming more comfortable with AI adoption.

As the COVID-19 pandemic reshapes the world, AI adoption will help businesses recover and restart. To this end, IBM has announced today new AI-powered capabilities and services, including IBM Watson AIOps.

Built on Red Hat OpenShift, IBM Watson AIOps will be a powerful tool for automating a company’s information technology infrastructure. It runs across any cloud and works in collaboration with an ecosystem of partners, including Slack and Box.

AI adoption and the new normal

As the COVID-19 pandemic reshapes the world, AI adoption will help businesses recover and restart. To this end, IBM has announced new AI-powered capabilities and services, including IBM Watson AIOps. Check out our full story: courtesy of IBM.

Posted by Digital Life Asia on Monday, 4 May 2020

“The crisis in many cases is going to accelerate what probably would have happened anyway. And I think AI is a great example of that. Companies are slowly getting comfortable with the idea of AI and it being their friend, and that it drives transformation. I like to say AI is not going to replace managers, but managers that can use AI will replace managers that cannot,” Rob Thomas, Senior Vice President, Cloud and Data Platform, of IBM, told Digital Life Asia at the press briefing for its Think Digital conference.

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AI for business gets boost with new IBM Watson tech

AI for business: Project Debater
The Project Debater AI was not only a good debater, but also an aspiring comedian

Natural Language Processing (NLP) is hardly elementary for AI for business. IBM Watson, however, will now have a better understanding of the language of business. This is thanks to the incorporation of new technologies from IBM Research’s Project Debater.

Project Debater made headlines in 2018 when the IBM AI successfully debated humans and even made jokes. The new IBM Watson technologies represent the first commercialization of Project Debater’s groundbreaking NLP abilities. Now companies can reap the benefits of an AI for business that understands idioms and colloquialisms in conversational English. IBM Watson will not just analyze human language for information. It can now also understand the thought and opinion of customers. This is in line with IBM’s vision for the relationship between humans and AI in the workplace.

“This combination of human and machine makes AI both powerful and transformative. It’s why IBM refers to AI as augmented—not artificial—intelligence. This is a critical difference. IBM believes in systems that can enhance and scale human expertise, rather than those that attempt to replicate human cognition,” IBM Philippines Chief Technology Officer Lope Doromal Jr. told Digital Life Asia via email.

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