Geek Culture

A Clash of Kings #5: When the Imp and Spider were cool

George R.R. Martin’s A Clash of Kings #5 Cover B by Mel Rubi. Image credit: Dynamite Entertainment
George R.R. Martin’s A Clash of Kings #5 Cover B by Mel Rubi. Image credit: Dynamite Entertainment

George R.R. Martin’s A Clash of Kings #5
Writers: George R.R. Martin, Landry Walker
Artist: Mel Rubi
Cover: Mike Miller
FC | 32 pages | Fantasy/Adventure | $3.99 | Mature

George R.R. Martin’s A Clash of Kings #5 is a great reminder that Tyrion and Varys were once intelligent and compelling characters.

It might be hard to remember this, given how they were reduced to pale shadows of themselves when the “Game of Thrones” TV series ran out of book material.

So it’s a real pleasure to read this series from Dynamite Entertainment that depicts the Imp and the Spider in all their deliciously wicked and cunning glory.

Spoilers ahead.

A Life Less Analog Geek Culture

D&D Live 2020: Dungeons & Dragons is for everyone

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Almost two weeks after it ended, I’m still on a D&D Live 2020 high. Not only did this star-studded virtual event raise money for charity, but also it proved that Dungeons & Dragons is for everyone.

I never got to play D&D in high school. My barkada and I always wanted to. We would stare longingly at the D&D manuals whenever we went to the bookstore. But they were too expensive.

It was only in college that my high school barkada and I finally got to play D&D. And I even became their Dungeon Master (DM). But I didn’t play D&D anymore after college. Not even the video games. But I always looked back at it fondly, and would occasionally check out the site or read articles about it.

Geek Culture

Icewind Dale: Rime of the Frostmaiden unveiled by D&D

Icewind Dale: Rime of the Frostmaiden is the latest D&D storyline. Image credit: Dungeons & Dragons
Image credit: Dungeons & Dragons

Horror is the theme of the new storyline from Dungeons & Dragons. D&D revealed Icewind Dale: Rime of the Frostmaiden on Day 1 of its star-studded virtual event D&D Live 2020: Roll w/ Advantage.

An adventure for Levels 1-12 players, Icewind Dale: Rime of the Frostmaiden is a tale of dark terror. It will revisit the civilization known as Ten-Towns and will shed light on the many bone-chilling locations that surround these frontier settlements.

According to the company, this new storyline will allow players to experience D&D in a way they have never seen. It will be available on Sept. 15.