The Japanese government has appointed Hatsune Miku, one of the world’s most popular virtual idols, as Coronavirus Countermeasure Supporter. Developed by Sapporo-based music technology company…
TransUnion has announced on Aug. 4 that it has launched CreditVision in the Philippines. This solution is set to transform lending in the Philippines, where…
Scientists have not yet identified the origins of the SARS-CoV-2 virus that causes COVID-19. What we do know, however, is that the wildlife trade increases…
The COVID-19 pandemic has severely impacted three verticals: education, non-profit and government, and retail. To help businesses and organizations in these verticals, global technology company…
Now that you’re working from home, are you happy with your home office? Do you have a designated space where you can work undisturbed? Or,…
The COVID-19 pandemic has forced companies to embrace digital transformation. It would wrong, however, for businesses to think that digital is just a means for…
Almost overnight, Zoom has become part of our daily lives. Whether to conduct company meetings, or catch up with our friends. In fact, Zoom has…