Geek Culture

Mars Attacks Red Sonja and our money’s on her

Dynamite Entertainment presents Mars Attacks Red Sonja! and the world will never be the same. Image credit: Dynamite Entertainment
Image credit: Dynamite Entertainment

It’s the crossover we never knew we wanted! Dynamite Entertainment presents Mars Attacks Red Sonja and the world will never be the same.

I’m a Tim Burton fan but I have to admit I didn’t exactly love “Mars Attacks!” the first time I saw it. Still, the movie had its cheesy charm and trademark Burton absurdity. Over the years I’ve grown more fond of it. Add to that the fact that I love Red Sonja. So you can imagine how excited I am to read this upcoming miniseries from writer John Layman (Chew, Detective Comics) and artist Fran Strukan (The Shape of Elvira).

“This is a book I actively pushed Dynamite to do, and I bugged them and bugged them until they finally approved it because I wouldn’t go away. I’m a huge fan of both properties, and the idea of mixing violent barbarian sword & sorcery with ultra-violent over-the-top retro sci-fi is simply irresistible to me,” Layman said in a press statement.

Mars invades Hyrkania

Image credit: Dynamite Entertainment

“It’s really amazing the amount of luck a person can have. Growing up with certain characters and then one day — wham! You’re doing a crossover between some of the most beloved things from your childhood. All of that, and with a veteran writer (and fellow decapitation lover) John at the helm, it’s impossible to express the amount of excitement I have for this book,” Strukan added.

Joined by colorist Valentina Briški and letterer maestro Taylor Esposito, the team will unravel this forgotten piece of history.

Image credit: Dynamite Entertainment

So how will the steel and savagery of Red Sonja stand up against the advanced weaponry and science of the big-brained baddies?

I guess we’ll find out!

Return to red planet, Red Sonja

Image credit: Dynamite Entertainment

Layman returns to both franchises at Dynamite following a celebrated run elsewhere on the Martian meanies and the fondly remembered early Dynamite crossover Red Sonja/Claw. He brings those connections and over 25 years of experience writing, editing, and more in comics. From his earliest days editing some of the innovative bestsellers at Wildstorm to his smash hit, multiple Eisner-winning creator-owned Chew.

The explosive first issue features a crop of covers by the coolest creators. A man very well-versed in depicting the She-Devil with a Sword is Lucio Parrillo, who highlights the menace of the Martians. Fan favorite Dustin Nguyen (Batman, Descender) uses plenty of red and his signature style, and we’re not just referring to Sonja’s hair. Arthur Suydam evokes the classic era of science fiction that birthed the Mars Attacks! franchise originally.

Image credit: Dynamite Entertainment

Luca Strati, coming a long way from Red Sonja Vol 4 #7 featuring her fan art, shows off a victorious Sonja. The legendary Barry Kitson swings through with a wraparound bursting with dynamism. And last but certainly not least is an incentive variant by Alan Quah homaging the classic trading cards.

Mars Attacks Red Sonja #1 is solicited in Diamond Comic Distributors’ June 2019 Previews catalog. It is slated for release in August 2020.

Dynamite is encouraging comic book fans to preorder copies of the issue with their local comic book retailers. It will also be available for individual customer purchase through digital platforms courtesy of comiXology, Kindle, iBooks, Google Play, Dynamite Digital, ComicsPlus, and more.

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