
International Women’s Day: #SheInspiresMe on Twitter

Image credit: Twitter

To celebrate International Women’s Day, Twitter has kicked off the #SheInspiresMe campaign by partnering with more than 40 creators across Southeast Asia (Indonesia, the Philippines, Singapore and Thailand).

In the Philippines, Twitter is engaging with diverse communities led by Alexa Asahina (@alexaasahina), Andrea Torres (@andreaetorres), Antoinette Jadaone (@tonetjadaone), Catriona Gray (@catrionaelisa), Dr. Gia Sison (@giasison), Inka Magnaye (@inkamagnaye), Jayda Avanzado (@jaydaavanzado), Joyce Pring (@joycepring), Kat Galang (@iamkatgalang), KC Concepcion (@itskcconcepcion), Kyla Alvarez (@kylaessentials), KZ Tandingan (@KZofficial), Moira Dela Torre (@moirarachelle4), Ria Atayde (@RiaAtayde), Sen. Risa Hontiveros (@risahontiveros), Sofia Pablo (@realsofiapablo), Spark! Philippines (@SPARKphils), Mitzi Jonelle Tan (@mitzijonelle) of Youth Advocates for Climate Action Philippines (@YACAPhilippines), and Zephanie Dimaranan (@imzephanie).

Celebrating International Women’s Day

Miss Universe 2018 Catriona Gray is one of the creators who is joining the #SheInspiresMe campaign. Image credit: Catriona Gray Twitter account

Each creator will make a personal #SheInspiresMe video tweet in which they will share about the women that inspire them, and why. They will also tag three other people to encourage them to join the campaign. This series of videos will be tweeted from March 8-19.

Miss Universe 2018 Catriona Gray is one of the creators that Twitter has tapped in the Philippines.

On March 6, she tweeted:

Lending my voice to the #SheInspiresMe campaign to highlight women’s voices on Twitter this #IWD2021. Join in as I’ll be sharing the women who inspire me… soon.

March 8 is celebrated each year as International Women’s Day. This year’s theme is “Choose To Challenge“.

We can all choose to challenge and call out gender bias and inequality. We can all choose to seek out and celebrate women’s achievements. Collectively, we can all help create an inclusive world.

Twitter has launched a special emoji to celebrate International Womens Day. Available throughout the month of March, the emoji is activated when people Tweet with the following hashtags: #PandaigdigangArawNgKababaihan, #ArawngKababaihan, #BabaeKami, #Henerasyongpantaypantay, #InternationalWomensDay, #WomensDay, #WeAreWomen, #ActForEqual, #IWD2021, #IWD, and #GenerationEquality.

Twitter is inviting everyone is to join the #SheInspiresMe campaign by following these two easy steps:

  1. Create a video tweet of up to 2:20 minutes in length to share a positive story about the women who inspire you, and tweet it out with the hashtag #SheInspiresMe
  2. Tag three others to join in the campaign

How about you? Who are the women who inspire you?